Alhamdulillah, keputusan peperiksaan Tahun 5 dah keluar. Fasa pertama terpaksa ulang. Semalam keluar keputusan fasa kedua, Alhamdulillah, lulus semuanya. Officially, final year. Thank you Allah.
Tak dapat nak menulis dengan kerap dan banyak. Laptop ni, keyboardnya uzur dan tenat. Sedangkan saya kurang masa dan kesabaran.
Doakan saya,
1. Grad dan konvo bersama-sama dengan sahabat yang lain.
2. Berjaya tambah anak. Harap sangat dapat tambah ahli keluarga sebelum bermulanya HousemanShip.
3. Dapat habiskan hafalan 30 juz Al-Quran sebelum balik Malaysia. Sekarang sedang merangkak d Juz 3. Sebelum ni kan kam dah hafal 5 juz belakang untuk silibus tahunan, saya tambah 3 juz lagi. Katanya kalau dah hafal 8 juz baru dterima masuk ke halaqah tahfiz.
4. Menjadi isteri dan ibu yang baik...azam setiap hari
Akhinya, ilalliqa' dan jumpa lagi
Menulis Dengan Jari
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Thursday, 3 December 2015
kek batik versi prince william
My mother used to make this when I was a child and it was a great favourite of mine. When Prince William and Prince Harry were very young, I made it for them using the same recipe. It was a firm favourite in the royal nursery; so much so that, many years later, Prince William chose to have chocolate biscuit cake at his wedding for the groom’s cake. It was designed, made and gifted to Prince William by McVitie’s biscuit manufacturers and is said to have been made from 1,700 biscuits and 17kg of chocolate! This recipe is very simple and children always enjoy crushing and crumbling the biscuits. For children I leave out the pistachios and soft figs included here and replace them with the same weight in biscuits. You can also replace the pistachios with pecans, toasted almonds or macadamia nuts, and the figs with raisins, sultanas or dried cherries.
SERVES 16-20
- 340g (12oz) butter
- 240g (8oz) golden syrup
- 60g (2oz) unsweetened cocoa powder
- 120g (4oz) dark chocolate, chopped
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 60g (2oz) pistachios
- 100g (3½ oz) soft, plump dried figs, sliced or chopped
- 450g (1lb) digestive biscuits, crushed
- 300g (11oz) dark chocolate, chopped
- 50g (2oz) white chocolate, chopped
- selection of small chocolate sticks and dark and white Maltesers or Whoppers
- one 20cm (8in) round or square cake tin about 7cm (2¾ in) deep (or use a flan ring)
1. Melt the butter with the golden syrup in a heavy-based pan. Do not let it boil.
2. Remove from the heat and add the cocoa powder, dark chocolate and vanilla extract.
3. Stir until you have a very smooth, glossy mixture.
4. Add the pistachios, figs and crushed biscuits to the chocolate mixture and stir well.
5. Line the base and sides of the cake tin with baking parchment or plastic wrap.
6. Place the mixture in the tin and press it down. (If you are using a square tin, make sure you press it down well into the corners.)
7. Leave to cool at room temperature before covering and chilling in the fridge. It will take about 2 hours to set completely firm.
8. When set, remove from the tin and place on a cooling rack.
9. Melt the dark chocolate and white chocolate separately.
10. Spread the dark chocolate all over the cake.
11. Decorate with the Maltesers before the chocolate sets, so that they stick to the cake. Position chocolate sticks as desired and drizzle with the white chocolate (and a little extra dark, if wished).
12. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
13. Keeps for up to two weeks, although it seldom lasts that long, once people know that it is there!
source : dailymail
Bola Manis (donut bulat)
Sumber gambar : google
2 sudu besar yis
2 sudu besar gula
1/2 cawan air
1 cawan tepung gandum.
1. campurkan air dan gula, kacau sampai gula tu larut.
2. Masukkan yis. Tunggu sampai yis berbuih dalam lebih kurang lima minit macamtu
3. Masuk campuran yis tadi ke dalam tepung. Uli sampai adunan tu bila kita tarik tak putus.
4. Rehatkan doh sampai dia naik 2 kali ganda.
5. Cubit-cubit dan gentel bentuk bulat.
6. Susun atas pinggan yang telah ditabur tepung. Tunggu lagi sampai ball tu mengembang cantik.
7. Sambil-sambil tu panaskan minyak, gorenglah dalam minyak tenggelam dengan api sederhana. Siram2 minyak bagi dia bulat cantik dan tak menggerutu.
8. Angkat dan boleh la nak ditabur gula halus atau celup air gula.
Resepi Churros
Sumber gambar : google
Nampak comel je si agnes ni pikul churros kan. Budak2 memang suka bende yang manis. Jom kita tengok buat.
1 cawan air2 1/2 sudu besar gula
1/2 sudu kecil garam
2 sudu minyak
1 cawan tepung gandum
1. Masak campuran air, gula, garam, minyak sampai agak-agak mendidih gitu.
2. Tutup api.
3. Masukkan tepung. Kacau sampai dah tak boleh kacau. Tunggu agak-agak sejuk, masukkan dalam plastik @ piping bag.
4. Panaskan minyak yang banyak dalam kuali.
5. Paipkanlah churos tu dalam minyak panas.
-kalau macam nak bentuk cantik sikit, mungkin boleh paipkan dulu atas kertas, lepastu baru transfer ke dalam kuali.
Biskut Nestum
sumber gambar : google
Sumber resepi : Fb suriea noor
yang ni tak pernah buat lagi, akan dicuba suatu masa nanti
2 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
1 1/2 cawan tepung jagung
1 cawan nestum- kisar halus
250g butter
1/4 cawan minyak
3/4 cawan gula
1. Ayak tepung, dan nestum.
2. Pukul gula, butter dan minyak sehingga kembang.
3. Masukkan tepung kedalam adunan butter sedikit demi sedikit.
4. Canai, terap dan hias.
5. Bakar.
Ummu Aiman
Umm Ayman (Barakah)
Barakah, daughter of Tha'alaba bin Amr, known as Umm Ayman (Arabic: أم أيمن), was an Abyssinian slave girl of Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib or his wife Aminah. Since Aminah died, Umm Ayman looked after her son, Muhammad, until he grown up. Later Muhammad freed her, but she fondly served Muhammad and his family for a long time. The Islamic Prophet has introduced her as a heavenly woman. Umm Ayman was present at the Battle of Uhud and the Battle of Khaybar.
[hide]Parentage and general description[edit]
Barakah, daughter of Tha'alaba bin Amr, known as Umm Ayman, was Abyssinian[1] slave girl of Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib (the father of Islamic Prophet) or his wife Aminah. She was the servant of Muhammad after the death of Abdullah and then Aminah.[2]
Caring of Muhammad in childhood[edit]
Since Aminah died in Al-Abwa, Barakah looked after Muhammad until entrance to Makkah.[3] Also she served Muhammad for a long time[4] and took over the caring of him until he grew up.[5] Abdul-Muttalib had said to Barakah that don’t neglect my son, People of the Book think that my son is the prophet of this nation.[6]
Marriage and children[edit]
When Muhammad married Khadija, he arranged for Barakah’s freedom and marriage to a Khazrajite named Ubayd ibn Zaid. Barakah bore a son named Ayman so she is known to be Umm Ayman means the mother of Ayman.[7] shortly thereafter her husband, who was the companion of the Islamic Prophet, was killed in Battle of Khaybar.[8] In addition his son was killed in Battle of Hunayn.[9]
One day The Islamic Prophet said to his companions: “Should one of you wish to marry a woman of Paradise, he should marry Umm Ayman.”[10] Zayd ibn Harithah took up the offer and married Barakah. they had a son named Usama who was to be one of the future leaders of Islam.[11]
When the Muhammad received the Islamic Prophethood, Umm Ayman was among the first Muslims. Later, he migrated to Medina.[12]
It also is said that she have been immigrants to Abyssinia.[13] But since the migration to Abyssinia was five year after Muhammad's first revelation and immigrants directly back to Medina in 7 AH,[14] this report is unacceptable and probably there is a mistake about it.[15]
Participation in battles[edit]
Umm Ayman was present at the Battle of Uhud. She watered the fighters and treated injured. She also accompanied the Islamic Prophet in Battle of Khaybar.[16]
In the battle of Uhud, many men ran away toward Medina after rumor of the death of Muhammad. Umm Ayman sprinkled dust on the face of some fugitives, gave them a spindle and told them: "give me your sword and [you] spin spindle." Then she went toward the battlefield along with several women.[17] Subsequently she was injured by an arrow which Hebban bin Araqa, an enemy soldier, shot at her.[18]
Relationship with the Ahl al-Bayt[edit]
The Islamic Prophet was very fond of Umm Ayman, and even it is said he sometimes called Umm Ayman as his mother.[19] Some hadiths is quoted about her high dignity for the Islamic Prophet.[20] The Prophet visited Umm Ayman at her house, and Following the Islamic Prophet, Abu Bakr and Umar did the same.[21] Hence, in some hadiths sources, there is a chapter about the virtues of Umm Ayman.[22] In Shia’s sources she is mentioned with respect too.[23]
The Islamic Prophet has introduced her as a heavenly woman. After the Prophet's death and confiscation of Fadak by Abu Bakr, Umm Ayman along with Imam Ali were the only ones that testified the Prophet gave Fadak to Fatimah.[24]
A few hadiths is narrated from Umm Ayman.[25] Those such as Anas ibn Malik, Abu Yazid Madani and Hanash bin Abdullah San'any have narrated from her.[26]
The exact date of Umm Ayman's death is not clear. Some have suggested she died approximately five months after the death of the Islamic Prophet.[27] But according to ibn Sa'dquotes[28] she was alive to the early days of the caliphate of Uthman.[29]
Apam Simple
Sumber : google
Resepi (versi aini)...dapat 7 biji cupcake saiz sederhana
Bahan-bahan :
3 biji telur
1 cawan gula
1 cawan tepung gandum
1. Pecahkan 3 biji telur, dan gula..dalam blender.
2. Blend sampai kembang.
3. Masukkan tepung. Blend lagi.
4. Kukus ikut periuk masing-masing ya. Macam aini guna rice cooker yang ada pengukus tu, 5 minit je dah masak
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